E-mail Semesterticket 13.03.2025

Dear students of the FU,

An e-mail has just been sent out with the latest information on how to download the semester ticket
for the coming semester.

Many of you have already tried this and found that it is not yet possible. You are not alone in this,
and you didn't do something wrong, because the technical implementation is still being worked on at the moment
and the e-mail was therefore sent too early.

We apologize for this confusion.

We don't want to flood you with e-mails either, but you will receive the final information on how to
get your ticket in the coming week.

Until the new information arrives next week
- do not install the app yet
- do not register in person (next week this will be possible via the university)*
*If you have registered and it worked, just wait and see

As always, you can find all the latest information on our website (https://astafu.de/semesterticket).

Best regards,

Your Semtix

Semester ticket office AStA FU Berlin
Thielallee 36
14195 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30-83 90 91-40
E-mail: semtixbuero@astafu.de