Contact and opening hours Semesterticket-office

Table of Contents

  1. Postal adress
  2. Office hours
Bild des Gebäudes des Semesterticket Büros
Semesterticketbüro AStA FU Berlin
Thielallee 36
14195 Berlin

Postal adress

regular mail: registered mail:    
Semesterticketbüro AStA FU Berlin                    Hauptpoststelle FU Berlin z.Hd. Semesterticketbüro
Thielallee 36 Habelschwerdter Allee 45
14195 Berlin       14195 Berlin

Office hours


Consultation hours by phone or in person (it is obligatory to wear a mask in our office!) :
Tuesday         12 - 3 p.m. 
Thursday       12 - 3 p.m.
Friday               1 - 4 p.m.
On all public holidays in Berlin, the semester ticket office is closed and not available.
Due to illness, the consultation hour on Friday, February 14 will unfortunately be canceled!