Financing of university-related projects


For university-related, emancipatory projects / propaganda / activities you can submit financial requests, copy requests and print requests. The AStA can only approve such applications that are within the scope of the assignment of tasks laid down in ยง 18, paragraph 2 BerlHG.

Attention: Wherever possible, applications should be made in advance. Subsequent applications are not welcome for many reasons. Among other things, there are accounting reasons for this, and if you are not financed, you will have to pay your costs. Save yourselves and us a lot of work and submit your applications in advance.


Step 1: Fill in the form

Please fill out the provided applications according to the specifications. The files can be found here: Financial application, print application. You can also simply go to the AStA and take the application forms and fill them in directly there. Please do not attach invoices/pay slips/receipts to the application. See also the point invoicing.

Step 2: Submit the application

Submit the applications in person at the AStA or send them by post addressed to the financial department. We do not accept applications sent by e-mail or fax.

AStA FU Berlin
Otto-von-Simson-Str. 23
14195 Berlin

For an application to be considered at the financial plenary of the AStA, it must be received by the Friday of the previous week within the opening hours of the office.

Step 3: Introduction of your application at the plenum

Please describe your project in as much detail as possible on the application form. We invite you to present your project via the contact information on your application. The Finance Plenum will take place in person as usual. In order for your applications to be processed, they must be presented by you! Please always book an appointment for this.

The dates for the next Finance Plenum can be booked at

Information for Student Initiatives

The representatives of the department of Student Initiatives can present financial and print applications from Student Initiatives at the financial plenary session. In order to ensure a smooth process, please read the procedure described here carefully. Please remember: The Student Initiative department needs important information concerning your application by mail, otherwise they will not be able to present it!

The whole process may take a little longer. Depending on the rhythm of the plenary, timing, and possible requests, the whole process takes between 1 and 4 weeks until you have money in your hands, in special cases even longer. If you don't follow the order, the whole process will be delayed even more. So plan well in advance, and don't throw in your applications at the last minute.

We are happy to present applications, but reserve the right to ask you to come in person in some cases. Especially in the case of content related events where you want to pay compensation, a personal introduction or a very detailed written description is appropriate.

  1. First of all you have to fill out and submit your financial or printing application. Follow steps 1-3 above on this page.
  2. Now you can write an email to the department of Student Initiatives with the request to present the application. You have to give us some information about the application. The department of Student Initiatives has not received the application, so we depend and rely on you. The department sits in the plenum and must be able to justify your application. That means: Tell us what your application is about. What have you requested? What is your event about, when is it, how long is it, how many people are you expecting/driving with etc.? All these things we need to know, otherwise we unfortunately cannot present your application. Please write your mails until Sunday before the financial plenum at the latest. Our Mail-address: We will not present applications for which we have not been sent any information.
  3. We will answer you as soon as possible and tell you what the plenary has decided. A application can either be approved, partially approved, adjourned, or rejected. This is the decision of the whole plenary, not a department decision. In the case of adjourned applications, we often lack information or have a question, in which case we ask you to submit it later. Please note that we cannot guarantee that applications will be approved or when they will be discussed.
  4. If your application is approved, please continue below with invoicing.


If your financial application has been approved, you can collect the money from the Finance Department's office by handing in bills (so called Kassenstunde, cash hour). Please bring your receipts, travel tickets, original invoice, etc... It must be evident that the money has been paid. If it is not evident from the bill, you will definitely need bank statements etc. to prove that the money has been paid.

Appointments for Cash Hour

The cash hours always take place on:

Thursday, 2 PM till 4 PM (14:00-16:00) 
Please also check recent changes on the home page for last minute changes concerning times and dates!

Get an appointment for Kassenstunde on

No appointment, no Kassenstunde!


Here are a few examples of typical applications and how they can or must be invoiced.

Trip with the Student Initiative / Trip with newly enrolled students

For trips, it is best to bring your house bill from the place you have rented. If that's not possible, bring a receipt or a travel ticket. It must be evident that the money has been paid. If it is not on the bill, you will need bank statements etc. to prove that the money has been paid. If you took the AStA bus and filled up your tank (please do so!), please bring your gas station bills with you.

Federal Student Initiatives Conference (BuFaTa)

For this you need your tickets/fuel bills etc. for your journey. The tickets must show that you have started your journey. That means: For the train only paper tickets and make sure that they are stamped. Have them signed on the long-distance bus. We also need a confirmation of participation.

If you have applied for participation fees, we need a confirmation of participation, which shows how much it cost and that you have paid, otherwise it cannot be refunded.

Breakfast for newly enrolled students/grilling/information events

You need receipts for that.

Fees for lectures etc.

To collect fees, please complete the fee statement.

Fixed amounts

The AStA has worked out fixed amounts for some typical Student Initiatives applications. This means that there is a fixed amount that is reimbursed and generally not exceeded. If these rates do not cover your expenses, you have to get money from other sources, e.g. donations or participation fees. The rates usually apply to each Student Initiative exactly once per semester. However, a rate is no guarantee that money will be approved. This will always be decided on a case-by-case basis. Therefore, make your applications before your event, this makes your planning more secure. If you want the department of Student Initiatives to present your application, you will find instructions above.

Trip with the Student Initiative / Trip with newly enrolled students

EUR 17 per person per night. If you want us to present such requests, please tell us when you are going, how long, where you are going and how many people are going.

Federal Student Initiatives Conference (BuFaTa)

If you travel to a Federal Student Initiatives Conference (BuFaTa), the AStA can contribute to the costs. The maximum subsidy amount is:

Directions: Bahncard 50 fare from Berlin to the location of the BuFaTa for a maximum of two people. This only determines the price. You can also go by car/bus, or take more people with you, but the maximum amount of money you will get is determined by this rate.

Participation fee: Will be refunded for maximum two persons. Again: You can be more people, but it determines the amount of money you are getting.

This is the maximum amount. It will always be decided on a case-by-case basis and based on the current budget, whether a maximum amount is possible.

If you would like to organize a Student Initiatives Conference at the FU, please submit a financial application with a detailed cost calculation and come in person to the financial plenum to discuss the application.

Breakfast for newly enrolled students/grilling/information events

Usually these are events where food is available free of charge or for a donation, mostly at the university campus, e.g. for first semester introductions. Here the current rate is a flat rate of EUR 150-300, depending on the size of the event. Please tell us how many people you expect to meet so that we can make an appropriate assessment.