
Invitation to the Commemoration of Mahmud Azhar | March 6, 2025, 12 PM | Thielallee 63, Institute of Biochemistry

Portrait picture of Mahmud Azhar

On March 6, 2025, we mark the 35th anniversary of the passing of Mahmud Azhar. We warmly invite you to join us in remembering him and taking a stand against forgetting racist violence. The commemoration will take place at 12 PM in the foyer of the Institute of Biochemistry at Thielallee 63.

Pressemitteilung: Veranstaltung auf Druck der Landesregierung abgesagt – AStA FU empört

Freie Universität Berlin, 17.02.2025

Vergangene Woche gab der Präsident der sogenannten "Freien" Universität Berlin, Günter Ziegler, bekannt, dass die Veranstaltung "Conditions of Life Calculated to Destroy: Legal and Forensic Perspectives on the Ongoing Gaza Genocide" mit Francesca Albanese nicht in Präsenz auf dem Universitätscampus stattfinden darf. Der Allgemeine Studierendenausschuss der "Freien" Universität ist darüber empört und organisiert für den geplanten Zeitpunkt eine Alternativveranstaltung, um den wissenschaftlichen Austausch selbst in die Hand zu nehmen.

Statement on the new contract for the student ticket

We would like to comment on the new contract for the Deutschlandsemesterticket. As representatives of the student body, we have decided to sign the contract presented to us for the winter semester 2024/2025. This means that there will continue to be a jointly financed semester ticket valid throughout Germany for all FU students, and the price of 29.40 per month will remain unchanged.

Einladung zur ersten Sitzung der studentischen Reformkommission

Das Studierendenparlament hat auf seiner Sitzung vom 26. April 2024 eine Kommission zur Evaluation und Reform der studentischen Satzungen und Strukturen (Reformkommission) eingesetzt, welche sich mit diversen Satzungen und Ordnungen der Studierendenschaft, insbesondere der Satzung der Studierendenschaft, der Geschäftsordnung des Studierendenparlaments und der Wahlordnung zur Wahl des Studierendenparlaments der Freien Universität Berlin, beschäftigen soll.

Die erste Sitzung der Reformkommission findet statt am

Mittwoch, den 17. Juli 2024 um 10 Uhr.

Statement of the student council department about the involvement of the student council initiatives of the uni summer festival

On May 13, many student council initiatives received an invitation to support the organization of the summer festival by agreeing to collect the bottle deposit on the afternoon of the summer festival. The money collected (the amount was estimated at 2-500 euros in the email) was to be kept by the first student council that volunteered to collect the deposits.

First of all, we would like to emphasize that we do not condemn any student council initiative for accepting this offer and participating in the implementation of the summer festival in this way.

The AStA grieves for its former coworker

The AStA grieves for its former coworker Andreas Aschaber, known as Fonse / Fonsi. Fonse passed away on 2024-06-19 due to illness. Fonse was a dedicated part of the AStA office from November 2017 to July 2022. We remember Fonse as a particularly amicable and solidary coworker and colleague in the fight for a free and just society. It was especially important to him to aid students who came to the AStA with their worries in any way possible.

Our thoughts are with Fonses family and friends. We wish them lots of strength for this difficult time.