Department of Woman*

Presentation of the Department

The women* in the women*department strive to promote and initiate (queer) feminist projects and contents. Especially in times when feminist content is being rationalised away and queer-feminist topics are hardly ever discussed, we want to contribute to keeping the debates on gender as a structural feature of society going. To this end we work closely with the TransLesBi*InterA department and offer joint events such as films, event series, workshops, lectures or meetings... It is important for us to have a gender-sensitive perspective, which we demand at all levels of the university and also in the AStA to ensure that this is taken on board.

Women's counseling

In addition, we offer a women*s counseling service in which we make our feminist experience available. In cases of experienced violence, sexism, stalking inside and outside the university, we offer a first point of contact as well as addresses, contacts and referral to professional counselling centres. Contact: frauenberatung (at) and during the current counselling hours Tuesday 12 - 14 o'clock by phone.

We support students with children in the Studi-mit-Kind counselling service in planning their studies and advise them on how to finance their studies. The dates for counselling can be found here.

We help with the conception of feminist term papers and provide advice and support to students who are planning or carrying out a project with feminist content. Thus a small but excellent library is available, which also includes magazines, flyers and information material. The women*s counselling service also serves as a contact and information point for the interests of studying women. Questions, discussions and suggestions concerning feminist topics are welcome.

Sports courses

You can find the new FLTI* sports program here.



If you want to contact us: We are currently located at the top floor of the AStA villa and are one of the autonomous departments of the AStA. We are looking forward to your visit, are happy about comrades-in-arms and critics!


If you would like to take part in our plenum, just write to us at or on our facebook page