Resolutionen und Protokolle der stud. Vollversammlung am 7. und 28.04.2021

On April 7th and 28th hundreds of students joined the first general assembly of FU students held as a online meeting to discuss our current situation during the pandemic and decide on demands adressed to the university and politcs.

The general assembly discussed the incresed workload though online studies, the precarious financial situation of many students, the struggles of university employees, BAFöG, (anti-)racism, barrier freedom, studying with children, the further organization to press our demands and many more topics.

All resolutions that the assembly decided on are in this document (in German and in English).

The protocols of both meetings in English are here:

Meeting 1

Meeting 2

The action committee that the assembly convoked meets on May 25th 18pm for the first time. For further information join the telegram group:

Thanks to everyone who participated!