Department of Public Relations

Presentation of the Department

The Public Relations Department, or "Öff-Ref" for short, or even shorter "Öff", is responsible for the publications of the AStA and the coordination of press and public relations work.

"Out of Dahlem" magazine

With the Out of Dahlem we would like to inform all students critically about current developments in higher education policy, university and beyond, and give student interests a voice.


Once a year we also publish the stud_kal calendar in cooperation with the RefRat of the HU and the AStA of the ASH (Alice-Salomon University).

In addition, the Public Relations Department organises workshops on layout and image processing as well as press and public relations work.


The newsletter informs at regular intervals about important dates and news (subscribe here:

printed AStA publications

All printed publications can be found in the AStA display in front of the canteen in the Silberlaube or in the AStA itself.


For suggestions, wishes and criticism you can reach us at:

E-mail: oeffref (at)