
1st and 3rd Friday of the month currently NO counselling!

2nd Friday of the month (RA Hannes Poggemann):

    Tenancy law
    Criminal law

4th Friday of the month (RA Adrian Furtwängler):

    Criminal law
    Administrative law
    no tenancy law

2nd Thursday of the month from 12.30 - 15.30 (RA Linh Steffen):

    General Equality law
    Victim law
    Migration law


Areas of law that we do not cover

No employment law advice

Please contact the initial counselling of the RefRat regarding labour law. Student employees of the FU also receive support from the Student Staff Council.

No Bafög law advice

The AStA offers specialized legal advice in this area. Please contact the BAföG counselling service for further information.

No advice on higher education matters

The AStA offers specialized legal advice in this area. Please contact the higher educations counselling for further information.

No right of residence or foreigner domestic law

The AStA offers specialized legal advice in this area. Please contact the counselling for international students & students of Color + Refugees for further information.


  • Social welfare
  • Job Center
  • GEZ / Broadcasting fee contribution
  • Housing allowance, health insurance
  • Counselling assistance certificate
  • Legal aid 

If you do not yet have a deadline or are not yet in a legal dispute, please visit/contact social counselling first.


Appointments must be made in person or by telephone. Contact information and opening hours of the AStA can be found here. Please let us know briefly what topic/area of law is involved and whether a deadline has been set.

The appointment for Friday must be reconfirmed by 3:30 p.m. on Thursday.
Appointments for consultations on Thursday must be reconfirmed by Wednesday at 1pm.

Unconfirmed appointments will be cancelled after the Wednesday deadline. The appointments can be reassigned. First the person in urgent need is called, then the first of the following appointment.

Counselling hours

Fridays: 3:20 p.m. - 5:20 p.m.

Thursdays: 12:30 p.m. - 3.30 p.m.We currently have a change of lawyer and no fixed successor yet, which is why the consultation will not take place until the beginning of February. We apologize sincerely and 

On one day, 5 appointments of 20 minutes each are assigned. Since the appointments sometimes last longer than 20 minutes, you have to expect waiting times.


In case of cancellation please contact the legal advice of RefRat HU (see also

Phone: 030 / 839091-0