Counseling for students with children

Table of Contents

  1. Counseling hours
  2. Contact

The counseling for students with child(ren) supports you in all questions and concerns regarding life with child(ren), the compatibility of studies and child(ren) and gives useful and practical tips and tricks on financing, leave of absence, long-term studies, re-entry into studies, pregnancy, desire to have children, childcare options and helps with applications and the search for doctors, therapists and midwives.

Counseling hours

Tuesdays 12:30 p.m. to 3:30pm during the summer semester.

After arrangement by mail it is possible to make appointments outside the counseling hours and if necessary at another location / video conference call.

The counseling can be held in person, via video conference, email or telephone during counseling hours.


Phone: 030 / 839091-10 (only for general information)

E-mail: StudimitKind (at)