The AStA of the FU supports the demand that the capital allowance of up to 150€ must be paid to all university employees. Sign the petition now!
Link to the petition: https://www.change.org/p/hauptstadtzulage-f%C3%BCr-alle-besch%C3%A4ftigten-der-berliner-hochschulen
What is the "Hauptstadtzulage"? The Hauptstadtzulage was introduced by the Berlin Senate in 2020, and consists of a wage supplement of up to 150€ per month. It is intended to make employment with the administration of the state of Berlin more attractive, which, unlike in other states, competes with jobs at the ministerial level of the federal government. Its duration is set until 2025.
What's the problem? The capital allowance is paid to all employees in Berlin's administration, but not to those employed by universities under TV-L. Because they are only indirectly employed by the state of Berlin, they are not granted the allowance. Only civil servants (Beamt*innen) employed at the universities receive the capital city allowance; all others go without.
Are student employees affected? Student employees do not receive the Hauptstadtzulage. It would, however, be desirable for them also to receive a comparable allowance for their work.