BAföG counseling

Table of Contents

  1. Counseling Hours
  2. Contact

Dealing with the BAföG-Amt/Studierendenwerk is often its own job on top of the numerous responsibilities students already contend with. To support students struggling with the BAföG-Amt, our counselors always takes the side of the students as peer-to-peer advisors and will try to help you navigate your case within the narrow boundaries of BAföG. 

If you have questions, problems or doubts with BAföG, send us an email, and please do so before you send the Amt anything that could be hard to retract. 

Together we will look for solutions and answers to all BAföG-related questions. We offer help on the following topics:

  • BAföG for students with non-German passports (EU and beyond)
  • Auslands (study abroad)-BAföG / temporary or complete study (internship) abroad
  • Changing your major/minor/study discipline
  • Showing proof of credits earned (called Formblatt 5)
  • Transition from Bachelor to Master
  • Asset and income accounting
  • PhD beyond the regular study period ("BAföG extension")
  • BAföG that is parent-dependent and parent-independent
  • BAföG repayment or repayment for overpayments

Please bring any letters or forms with you or attach them to your e-mails.

Counseling Hours

We answer emails every weekday and offer telephone peer-to-peer support during the week and face-to-face consultations on Tuesdays. Please email us to make an appointment! We speak German and English.

Our in-person sessions are held at the AStA-Villa on Tuesdays from 10:30 to 16:30. Please email us to arrange an appointment. If you urgently need an in-person appointment but can't come on Tuesdays, we might be able to offer you an alternative, so please ask.


E-Mail: bafoegberatung (at)