BAföG counseling

Unfortunately, students have to deal with often arbitrary laws and practices of the BAföG-Amt (Studierendenwerk). To support students, struggling with the BAföG-Amt, our counseling always takes the side of the students and tries to help navigate within the narrow boundaries of BAföG. If you have questions, problems or doubts about your BAföG, come to us for consultation and advice (it’s best if you speak to the secretary/general office whether your case falls into our or another counseling’s area of expertise).

Together, we will look for solutions and answers to all questions about BAföG. We can advise you on the following topics:

  • BAföG for students without German citizenship
  • Auslands (abroad)-BAföG - temporary or complete study (internship) abroad
  • Change of subject, shift of focus
  • Proof of creditpoints (form 5)
  • Transition Bachelor-Master
  • Asset and income accounting
  • PhD beyond the regular study period ("BAföG extension")
  • Independent of parent (nonparent dependant) BAföG
  • BAföG repayment or repayment for overpayments

Please bring any letters or formulars with you or attach them to your e-mails.

The consultation hours by phone are on Mondays and Fridays 12 pm - 3pm. If necessary we can also arrange a differing appointment. 


E-Mail: bafoegberatung (at)