Welcome to the first autonomous AStA Department for Black Students and Students of Color at the FU Berlin. The university is a predominantly white room where people of color are often explained to be different: on campus, in the lecture halls and in literature. We want to create visibility for B.PoC students and build a safer space where we can network, share experiences and strengthen each other.
Consensus of the AStA Department of Black students and students of color
B.PoC - The self-designation B.PoC stands for Black People and People of Color. As different as we are, we are united by the fact that we all have experiences of racism. B.POC are structurally discriminated against by the majority society on the basis of their racialized appearance and turned into a other.
Racism - Racism has its origins in European colonialism and refers to a power structure that regards whiteness as the norm and serves to legitimise power and domination. Among other things, racism is an ideology that deals with the hierarchization and historical dehumanization of bodies that are read as non-white. This is based on the false assumption of biological inferiority. We recognize that race is a social construction that does not correspond to any biological reality. At the same time, we also emphasize that discrimination based on perceived race is unfortunately still commonplace and that we must therefore continue to shed light on the power structures behind social identities such as black and white. We do not understand black and white as biological characteristics, they describe the social and political position as discriminated or privileged people in a racist world. Racism is found in all daily situations and is constantly reproduced. University power structures - We want to draw attention to the fact that science has historically been used to prove the inferiority of the non-white other in order to legitimize racism or practically colonialism. Furthermore, within the university, B.PoC are systematically excluded or considered merely as objects that are explored but cannot define themselves - this is how science continues to explain racialized people to the Other. Due to the lack of representation of scientists* of color among the lecturers and in the texts we read, as well as the difficult access to the university, the university unfortunately remains a predominantly white space. Our work therefore focuses on strengthening B.PoC, reclaiming this space, redefining it and creating spaces where the expression of B.PoC's experiences can be centralized. Taking up space, empowerment and visibility - our goal is to create a space at this university where we can find our voices, form our own narrative, empower B.PoC. We want to counteract the lack of representation and create visibility for B.PoC. The path to self-determination means creating structures in which we feel represented, which leads to empowerment.
Safer Space - We choose the term Safer Space instead of Safe Space because we recognise that we must be aware of the danger of violence even within anti-racist spaces.
Queer/LGBTIQ - In our work we try to deconstruct heteronormative and cis-dominant structures and discourses that are common within science in favour of a non-binary practice. We recognize the importance of queer bodies on campus. Therefore we want to include and promote a network that strengthens queer and transgender B.PoC identities.
Intersectionality - Our aim is to be inclusive and free from sexism, classism, LGBTIQ hostility, abhorrence, anti-Muslim racism and any form of misanthropy. We value an intersectional perspective within feminist discourses and want to create a network on the FU campus that recognizes and implements the everyday experiences and individual empowerment strategies of each B.PoC in order to put an end to all forms of oppression.
Contact: b.poc [at] astafu.de