Department of Climate Justice and Ecology.

Welcome the AStA Department of Climate Justice and Ecology!


As the student reps on climate, we are concerned with the current crises in the climate and ecology. These crises are not natural, but man-made. Therefore, we, especially as a German society, which is responsible for high (historical) emissions, also have a special responsibility to fight them. At the latest since the climate movement, from “Ende Gelände” to “Fridays for Future”, has put the issue on the agenda in recent years, it has become clear that the unequal power relations in this world are closely interwoven with the causes and unjust consequences of the ecological and climate crisis. These unequal power relations include the massive concentration of capital and wealth, patriarchy and colonial continuities. Therefore, we join the climate justice movements in their demand that what is needed to combat the environmental and climate crisis is a system change, which is a fundamental social-ecological transformation of our society that also overcomes capitalism, patriarchy and colonial continuities. 

As the Climate Office, we are committed to a climate-neutral and feminist, anti-colonial and discrimination-free university and want to educate students on the topics of climate and environmental justice and support them in their projects on these topics.

Tasks of the climate student reps:

  • Supporting climate and environmental policy groups at the FU and in Berlin
  • Research on climate and environmental policy topics
  • We are committed to a university that strives for climate justice, implements it on campus and advocates for it.
    • new professorships in climate justice
    • Exchange with university offices to find solutions for a more sustainable campus
  • Events on environmental and climate justice

Your concerns:

Climate justice is important to you and you think the university should do more to promote it? You want to organize an event on a topic or a campaign at the university? You are part of a student group and you want to network at the university, in the city and nationally? You are a student group and need a workshop on moderation, campaign planning, organizing your press or public relations work, or grassroots decision-making? Do you have questions about the work of the climate department?

For all these concerns and many more, please contact the AStA Department of Climate Justice and Ecology

We are a newly created department and would be happy to hear from you with your concerns or ideas.
