Department of ANTI*

Presentation of the Department

At the top floor of the AStA-Villa you can find our pink department. A trip there is always worthwhile. Because our concern is to provide a pleasant meeting place for lesbians, a-/ bi-/ poly-/ pan-sexual women, trans*, genderqueeren and inter* people. A place that is as protected as possible, where we can talk about life and experiences at university, university politics, frustration and lust etc. over a cup of coffee or tea and work together on lesbian, gender/queer, trans* and inter* topics.

Being a lesbian or queer means more to us than living out a sexual preference or gender identity; more than choosing an alternative, at best a tolerated way of life. To live as a lesbian, queer, trans* or genderqueer means to oppose any form of heteronormalization and trans*/homophobia. We want visibility and presence of inter* and genderqueer people, lesbians and trans* in all areas of life - including at the university!


To this end, we organize, for example, plenary assemblies and networking meetings, once a year orientation days for Trans*LesbianWomenInter* in cooperation with the Women's Department or our queer breakfast together with the Gay Department. We also organize events on various queer/feminist topics and cultural events (e.g. specific film series). Everyone is very welcome to join in and participate or just drop by!

Please note that many of the events are not open to cis-men, we do this because we consider it necessary to create our own rooms!


You will also find a lot of exciting information, books, magazines and zines in our library, where we are happy to help you find literature for queer/feminist term papers and theses.

Trans*Inter*Queer-sports courses

Sportprogramm von Tigertabs 

Queerfeminist counseling service

Within the context of the counseling of our department, the queerfeminist peer support, we provide you with a pool of contacts and addresses. The peer support is a contact point for (gender)queer, lesbian, poly-/bi-/pan-/a-sexual trans*, inter*, lesbians, genderqueers and women.

If you are looking for information and contact persons about queer events and locations in Berlin, coming out, safer sex, groups and counselling services etc. or if you want to talk about your experiences, you will find support here.

In cases of homophobia and trans*hostility and sexualised/sexual violence you will find support from the queerfeminist peer support and the [LesBiTransInterA]* department.

We are looking forward to your visit!!

Contact us:

Phone: 030-839091-23
E-Mail: lesbitransintera (at)

Queerfeminist counseling service: ps-queerfem (at)

More information on counseling