Table of Contents
1 What is the semester ticket and who does it apply to?
- 1.1 What is the semester ticket and what does it include?
- 1.2 Do I have to buy the semester ticket separately?
- 1.3 Why am I being forced to pay for a ticket that I don't want?
- 1.3.1 I always ride my bike/car. I don't need the ticket. Can I be exempted?
- 1.3.2 I live within walking distance of the university. Do I still have to pay for the ticket?
- 1.3.3 Is the semester ticket transferable?
- 1.3.4 I am also studying at another university. Do I also receive a semester ticket?
- 1.3.5 I am an exchange student or scholarship holder at the FU Berlin (e.g. via the Erasmus program). Do I also receive a semester ticket?
2 How do I get the ticket?
- 2.1 How and when do I get the ticket?
- 2.3 How much does the ticket cost?
- 2.4 How are the re-registration fees at the FU made up?
- 3 I was checked without a semester ticket and now have to pay a fine
- 4. I am an exchange student or scholarship holder at the FU Berlin. Do I also receive a semester ticket?
- 5 Who is the semester ticket representative?
1 What is the semester ticket and who does it apply to?
1.1 What is the semester ticket and what does it include?
The semester ticket is a personal, non-transferable ticket for local public transport in the form of a digital ticket. From summer semester 2024, the semester ticket will be a Germany-wide semester ticket.
The DeutschlandSemesterticket can be used on all lines of the transport companies of the Berlin-Brandenburg transport association in the Berlin ABC fare zone (Berlin and surrounding area), as well as on all public transport throughout Germany! The specific area covered by the Berlin ABC fare zone can be found in the publications of the transport companies. Only special and excursion lines are excluded. Local and InterRegio trains can be used within the fare zone, but not long-distance trains.
The semester ticket entitles you to take children up to the age of six (on ferries, however, only up to three children) or luggage or a dog (only in the VBB area!) or a baby carriage free of charge. Since the summer semester 2024, there is no longer an entitlement to bicycle transport. However, an additional bicycle ticket can be purchased from the VBB. No connecting or additional tickets for partners or similar can be purchased. Otherwise, the general conditions of carriage of the transport companies apply.
1.2 Do I have to buy the semester ticket separately?
No. The contributions to the semester ticket and the social fund are compulsory contributions that all properly enrolled students at FU Berlin must pay. Payment is a prerequisite for enrollment or re-registration. Students who are obliged to pay contributions and still fail to do so may be de-registered. (This obligation is based on the semester ticket contract that the FU Berlin student body has concluded with the Berlin public transportation companies. You can find the contract on this page under "Legal"). In special cases, an exemption from the obligation to pay and reimbursement of the semester ticket fee or a subsidy for the semester ticket is possible.
In the event of an exemption, the travel authorization is withdrawn (i.e. the person no longer has a discounted ticket) and the fees are refunded. Only the group of severely disabled students with a self-service card can generally be exempted from paying for the semester ticket. Doctoral students also have the choice of whether or not to use the ticket (see 1.3.7).
1.3 Why am I being forced to pay for a ticket that I don't want?
The semester ticket is based on a solidarity model. This means that all students pay the price together so that the service is significantly cheaper for everyone. In this respect, you pay for those students who regularly use local public transport, but in return you get the opportunity to use it yourself. How does that work? The students of the FU decided in a ballot from January 21 to 24, 2002 that they want to introduce the semester ticket in this form. The last ballot took place from November 20 to November 22, 2017. According to the Berlin Higher Education Act (BerlHG) §18 a, the student body (compulsory body) may decide on the introduction and design of a semester ticket. §Section 14 BerlHG also states that payment of the fee is a mandatory requirement for enrolment in the event of its introduction. The student parliament of the FU Berlin has regulated the details of the collection of contributions, exceptions and subsidies in the "Semesterticket Statutes according to §18 a Para. 4 BerlHG" and the "Social Fund Statutes according to §18 a Para. 5 BerlHG".
1.3.1 I always ride my bike/car. I don't need the ticket. Can I be exempted?
No, the semester ticket is based on a solidarity model (see previous question). This means that all students pay the price together so that the service is significantly cheaper for everyone. In this respect, you pay for those students who regularly use local public transport, but in return you get the opportunity to use it yourself. The choice of a preferred means of transport is therefore independent of the purchase of the FU semester ticket.
1.3.2 I live within walking distance of the university. Do I still have to pay for the ticket?
Students who live directly next to or within walking distance of the university must also pay the semester ticket and social fund contributions (solidarity model principle, see previous questions). This circumstance does not constitute a reason for hardship within the meaning of the Social Fund Statutes.
1.3.3 Is the semester ticket transferable?
No. It is a personal season ticket that is only issued in your name and is only valid as a ticket in conjunction with an official photo document, i.e. only in conjunction with your passport, passport or driving license.
1.3.4 I am also studying at another university. Do I also receive a semester ticket?
All students who have their departmental option at the FU Berlin and therefore exercise their membership rights here must pay the semester ticket and social fund contributions. As a rule, the first major subject is decisive for this. Students who do not have an elective option are not liable to pay contributions and will not be asked to pay.
If, in individual cases of double enrolment (student status at two universities, one of which is not in Berlin) or multiple enrolment (student status at two Berlin universities), both universities wish to charge semester ticket fees for a VBB semester ticket, you can apply for exemption from the obligation to pay contributions.
IMPORTANT: There are students who are enrolled both at the FU and at a university that does not provide a semester ticket (in the winter semester 2023/24 e.g. the TU Berlin or the UdK). In this case, the university at which you are registered as a main auditor is decisive. You can only obtain a semester ticket from this university.
1.3.5 I am an exchange student or scholarship holder at the FU Berlin (e.g. via the Erasmus program). Do I also receive a semester ticket?
Yes, even students who are only temporarily enrolled at the FU and will not graduate here must pay the semester ticket fee and will receive the semester ticket in accordance with the contractual agreements.
2 How do I get the ticket?
2.1 How and when do I get the ticket?
The ticket is available and retrievable online as a QR code via ride ticketing in your personal Zedat account.
2.3 How much does the ticket cost?
The price of the semester ticket is set out in the contract between the public transport company and the student body.
The fee for the semester ticket at the FU in SoSe 2025 and WiSe 2024/25 is €181.40 (incl. €5.00 social fund, i.e. €176.40 for the ticket alone).
The price for the semester ticket has thus remained the same for years, although the transport companies have received €6 more for each student since the summer semester 2021. Together with other student representatives from Berlin and Brandenburg, the AStA FU has managed to obtain a subsidy for the ticket from the states of Berlin and Brandenburg. This subsidy will offset the €6 increase in Berlin and the semester ticket prices will remain stable for the individual.
The prices for previous semesters (excl. social fund contribution) :
Winter semester 2012/13: €172.60
Summer semester 2013: € 176
Winter semester 2013/14: € 176
Summer semester 2014: € 179.40
Winter semester 2014/15: € 179.40
Summer semester 2015: € 184.10
Winter semester 2015/16: € 184.10
Summer semester 2016: € 188.90
Winter semester 2016/17: € 188.90
Summer semester 2017: € 193.80
Winter semester 2017/18: € 193.80
Summer semester 2018: € 193.80
Winter semester 2018/19: € 193.80
Summer semester 2019: € 193.80
Winter semester 2019/20: € 193.80
Summer semester 2021: € 193.80
Winter semester 2021/22: € 193.80
Summer semester 2022: € 193.80
Winter semester 2022/23: € 193.80
Summer semester 2024: € 181,40
Winter semester 2024/25: € 181,40
Summer semester 2025: € 181,40
2.4 How are the re-registration fees at the FU made up?
The current composition of the enrollment/re-registration fee, semester ticket, social contribution for the studierendenWERK and the contribution to the student body can be found here:
3 I was checked without a semester ticket and now have to pay a fine
If you were checked without a ticket, you will have to pay an "increased transportation fee" (EBE) of €60. You can reduce the cost of your EBE to €7 by proving within a week that you are in possession of a semester ticket. You can do this online or at a BVG counter. You can find more information here.
4. I am an exchange student or scholarship holder at the FU Berlin. Do I also receive a semester ticket?
Yes, even students who are only temporarily enrolled at the FU and will not graduate here must pay the semester ticket fee and will receive the semester ticket in accordance with the contractual agreements.
5 Who is the semester ticket representative?
The AStA of the FU has a semester ticket representative. This person is appointed by the FU AStA to deal with semester ticket matters in the broadest sense. This does not include processing applications for exemption from and subsidies for the semester ticket. The main task of the semester ticket officer is to conduct contract and price negotiations with the transport companies (VBB) together with SemTix Berlin (an association of semester ticket officers from all participating Berlin universities). It is also responsible for all kinds of questions and complaints that cannot be dealt with by the semester ticket office. These are, for example, questions about the contract and the statutes, questions and complaints that arise in the event of questionable treatment during ticket inspections or similar, or questions and complaints about votes on the semester ticket contract or the current situation regarding FU policy on the semester ticket.
Contact the semester ticket officer:
Freie Universität Berlin
General Student Committee
Otto-von-Simson-Straße 23
14195 Berlin
Or by e-mail: semtix {at}